Sunday, October 31, 2010

Organizing and Doing Inventory

One of our tasks for our stake preparedness week was to take inventory of our food storage and preparedness items. If you did it great!!! If you didn't then perhaps take some time over the next few days to consider some of the following and then put it to action.

Gather a small binder or notebook. You can either categorize it alphabetically or according to categories, which ever you feel will work best for you. The categories you will put into it will be the items you already have and then those that you need to have and those that you want to have. If you are unsure of these, then you should make a list before hand so that you have an idea of all of your categories.

Under each heading also make a small note about how to properly store this item, it's shelf life, and any other particulars that go with it.

Make sure to keep it all in pencil because this notebook / binder will change many times as you gather more information and your storage changes.

Under each category make a note for each one as to what your goals are. Write down the dates of the inventories you are taking and perhaps a date for the goals you have.

As you purchase items, update your notebook regularly.

Take a formal inventory every three months to keep on top of it so it doesn't become such a large task. Also this way you will always have in the back of your mind the things that you are needing and your goals.

Well that should keep you busy thinking this week. Have fun with it!!!

Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 18:111

There never was a generation of the inhabitants of the earth in any age of the world who had greater events awaiting them than the present. And an age fraught with greater interest to the children of men than the one in which we live never dawned since the creation of the world.

Ezra Taft Benson, The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, 106-107. There is a real sifting going on in the Church, and it is going to become more pronounced with the passing of time. It will sift the wheat from the tares, because we face some difficult days, the like of which we have never experienced in our lives. And those days are going to require faith and testimony and family unity, the like of which we have never had. We must prepare for the great day of the Lord. This preparation must consist of more than just casual membership in the Church. We must be guided by personal revelation and the counsel of the living prophet so that we will not be deceived.

Gordon B. Hinckley, Gen conf, April 1995. This is a time to be strong. It is a time to move forward without hesitation, knowing well the meaning, the breadth and the importance of our mission. It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow. It is a time to be found keeping the commandments.

"Being a little bit prepared is a whole lot better than not being prepared at all. Being well prepared is better then being a little bit prepared." Barbara Salsbury author of Preparedness Principles

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

“In mercy the Lord warns and forewarns. He sees the coming storm, knows the forces operating to produce it, and calls aloud through His prophets, advises, counsels, exhorts, even commands – that we prepare for what is about to befall and take shelter while yet there is time. But we go our several ways, feasting and making merry, consoling conscience with the easy fancy of “time enough” and in idle hope that the tempest will pass us by, or that, when it begins to gather thick and black about us we can turn back and find shelter.” James E Talmage, The Parables of James E. Talmage, p. 50

A Soup Project – An Idea to think about
I came across an awesome idea to think about and perhaps incorporate into your family's preparedness plan in whatever way it suits you. For Christmas, or another family gathering, prepare and vaccum seal enough soups for one hearty meal a day for one year for each family. Use 6 of your favorite soup recipes, x 60 for 360 meals. Make the dry meals, and seal them with the instructions either on the front of the bag or on a recipe card tucked inside the bag. Then you know you and your families will have at least one healthy hearty meal a day set aside for one year.
Soup ideas could include:
minestrone soup, bean soup, lentil soup, vegetable soup, taco soup, potato / corn chowder, split pea soup, beef barley, etc. Be creative!