Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekly Wisdom


Motivational MondayPresident Benson said, "For over 100 years we have been admonished to store up grain. 'Remember the counsel that is given,' said Elder Orson Hyde, 'Store up all your grain, and take care of it!...And I tell you it is almost as necessary to have bread to sustain the body as it is to have food for the spirit.' (Journal of Discourses, Vol 5, p.17) And he also said: "There is more to salvation and security in wheat, than in all the political schemes of the world....." "From the standpoint of food production, storage, handling, and the Lord's counsel, wheat should have high priority. Water, of course, is essential. Other basics could include honey or sugar, legumes, milk products or substitutes, and salt or its equivalent. The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." (October Conference, 1973).

Timely TuesdayGo over your families medical coverage and insurances (medical, home, and car). Make sure you have what you need. Make sure you have all of your information in a place where you can find it easily if you need to. Make any changes or adjustments to fit the needs of your family and situation.

Workin' WednesdayToday, check you sources of alternate lighting. Winter is fast approaching, and power outages could happen with winter storms. Make sure you have matches or a full lighter in the same place as your candles. Make sure you have them easily accessible if the power goes out. Also check your lanterns, for whatever kinds you may have, and make sure you have fuel stored properly and close by. There is nothing more frustrating than going to grab a candle in the dark, only to find that you don't have a match anywhere in the house. Buy a box of wooden ones and have them close.

Thrifty Thursday Make a detailed list of everything that is in your 72 hour kits, and another list of everything you want to add to your kits. This way when things are on sale, it will be fresh on your mind because you have that list, and you will save money by being prepared. Find some small item that you could add to your kits, such as an emergency blanket. They are inexpensive, but a huge blessing in time of need.

Food Storage Friday Hopefully you took time to choose some of your favorite meals last week with your family. This week, make a list of all of the items you would need to prepare each meal. This may take some time, but worth it when you are compiling a food storage list of your 3 month supply of familiar meals. Watch for the sales in the stores and if you find anything that is on your list, get more than one item, buy a few and put the extras on your storage shelf. Keep this mental list in your mind at all times, so you can watch for items on sale.