Sunday, July 28, 2013

Disasters and Why We Should Prepare!

Watch for part two coming this week to tell us what we should prepare!

I put together this video on why we should prepare,  the world is kind of a crazy place and this only summarizes a small part of it!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I have been thinking a bit on pandemics again. I know that the “Swine Flu” pandemic we experienced a couple of years ago, turned out to be not too bad. It received much hype and media coverage. Many people scoffed at the governments for making such a big deal out of “nothing”, so to speak. I watched many who took it very seriously and took the opportunity to get a bit more prepared with their pandemic preparations. There was such a controversy over the difference of opinions in whether or not to get vaccinated. It was a bit of a crazy time.

I personally took the opportunity to get more prepared with my preparations that involved anything to do with pandemics. I took the opportunity to learn more about vaccinations and how viruses spread. It was a great learning experience, and an even better trial run. That is probably the most important thing that we could have gained from it, was knowledge of just how fast a virus can travel around the world, and what we should have in our homes to be prepared for when it happens again, because it will happen again!

I would like to go over a few things today that have to do specifically with pandemics.

There are some things that you should have on hand in your homes. N95 masks are probably one of the most important things to have. However, you should be aware that they do have an expiry date. The masks themselves, don't expire, but the elastic that holds them onto your face will over time, break down and eventually it won't hold anymore.

Medical gloves are another thing that are really good to have in your supplies. They are great for dealing with sick members of the family, and also for cleaning and disinfecting in your home.

Hand sanitizer will go a long way to killing germs that always get on our hands. We should always wash with a really good soap and hot water, and then use some hand sanitizer. When we are out in the community, at school, work, or other we should always have some hand sanitizer with us. Our hands are the first place that will pick up a virus that is lingering on a door handle, counter top, or other hard surface area. If we can kill it before it reaches our mouth, nose, or eyes, we will be a great source of helping to eradicate the virus.

A few other items to have on hand would include

for cleaning, food and water to quarantine if necessary, vitamins, and medications.

A pandemic situation could usually will last for two or three months and will come in two or three waves as it travels around the world. The government is usually pretty quick with coming up with a vaccination. Here is a pretty controversial topic. Vaccinations! I personally think that there are vaccinations that are good to get, and then there are those that don't make a big enough difference, that it is worth the risk of taking them. I strongly suggest that everyone do their own research and make their own decisions. Be careful of the websites that you get your information from. Some are obviously very strongly pro or con for the vaccinations, but I suggest that you look carefully at both sides of the argument and then decide from there which vaccines you choose to get. Thank goodness it is still a choice for us. I don't know how long this will remain as a choice, but for now we do have the option.

I guess my worst fear for a pandemic is one of biological warfare, where an enemy would actually let loose a virus with the intent to spread and kill as many people as possible. It is a very real threat, one that we should all consider. Then there are also the bird flu variations that seem to be mutating on a pretty regular basis.  Point being that we shouldn't let our guard down.  I know many people who believed that the Swine Flu was just so hyped up, that I am sure when another pandemic swings around, they probably won't even pay any attention to it.  I, however, will watch and pay very careful attention because I am sure that the Swine Flu was just a practice run for us all.  What did we learn?  What did we do about it?

There are some really good sites with info on pandemics and preparations - 

This is a good site here  it give some good info.

I really like Prepared LDS Family they have some good reads.  This link takes you to their suggestions for pandemic preparedness

And finally here is a great link from  they have some great info and good publications that you can get to learn a bit more about what you can do to get prepared for the next one, which could be a big one.

Learn what you need to, and prepare what you should so that when, not if, the next pandemic strikes, you will be ready for it.  Don't look at the last one we had as a big hype and nothing to serious.  It was very serious, and it should have opened our eyes to just how fast our lives can be changed.  One very small virus could take down a huge portion of the world's population in a very short time. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

52 Weeks for One Year Supply

52 Weeks
One Year supply for two people
Thought some of you may want this.  I have had a few requests for it.  It is also in the Personal Preparedness Portfolio as a part of the Long Term Self Reliance Module.

Week 1
8 cans of your favorite soup
8 rolls of toilet paper
8 cans tomatoes or sauce

Week 2
8 cans of meat (tuna, salmon, chicken, etc.)
25 lbs of sugar or honey
3 boxes of saltine crackers

Week 3
8 lbs of salt
25 lbs of pasta
1 gallon of cooking oil

Week 4
2 months worth of laundry soap
8 cans fruit
extra batteries of all sizes you would need

Week 5
25 lbs of rice or other grains that you eat
8 cans of meat
3 months worth of seasonings and spices

Week 6
8 cans vegetables
Fruit drink to make 30 quarts
Beef, chicken, or other bouillon for 3 months

Week 7
25 lbs flour
8 rolls of toilet paper
any special diet foods you need – 3 months worth

Week 8
8 cans soup
dish soap for 3 months
comfort foods for 3 months – chocolate chips, etc

Week 9
25 lbs pasta
8 cans meat
8 cans tomatoes or sauce

Week 10
30 lbs beans / legumes
8 rolls toilet paper
3 months worth of seasonings

Week 11
20 lbs rolled oats
2 months of laundry soap
water purification tablets

Week 12
3 months of dish soap
fruit drink mix for 30 quarts
bandaids and bandages of all sizes and other first aid supplies

Week 13
6 months worth of vitamins
25 lbs sugar
2 gallons bleach

Week 14
shampoo and conditioner for 6 months
8 cans of meat
3 months of special dietary foods you might need

Week 15
25 lbs grains / flour
8 rolls toilet paper
fire extinguisher for home

Week 16
25 lbs rice
10 lbs powdered milk
1 gallon vinegar

Week 17
25 lbs pasta
8 cans tomatoes or sauce
1 lb each baking soda, baking powder, yeast

Week 18
2 months laundry soap
8 cans vegetables
3 months comfort foods

Week 19
8 rolls toilet paper
8 cans fruit
batteries in multiple sizes
Week 20
25 lbs flour / grains
8 cans soup
duct tape and rope of various sizes

Week 21
8 cans fruit
8 rolls toilet paper
3 months seasonings
work gloves for all members of family

Week 22
2 months laundry soap
25 lbs rolled oats
1 gallon vinegar

Week 23
30 lbs beans / legumes
5 jars peanut butter
3 months comfort foods

Week 24
20 lbs pasta
2 gallons oil or shortening
rubber gloves, garbage bags, paper towels for six months

Week 25
8 rolls toilet paper
8 cans meat
bouillon cubes / powder for 6 months

Week 26
25 lbs grains / flour
1 gallon vinegar
water purification tablets

Week 27
16 cans tomato sauce
8 rolls toilet paper
3 months of special dietary foods

Week 28
2 months laundry soap
8 lbs salt
2 gallons bleach

Week 29
3 months dish soap
25 lbs flour / grains
hand sanitizer, soap
survival knife or multi-tool

Week 30
8 cans vegetables
6 jars jam
emergency light sticks, matches, candles

Week 31
6 jars jam
16 cans / jars tomato sauce
tylenol, aspirin, other pain meds – 6 months worth

Week 32
8 cans fruit
25 lbs sugar
case to store and organize first aid supplies

Week 33
8 cans vegetables
30 lbs rice
laytex gloves, ipecac, antacids, disposable wipes
first aid book

Week 34
8 cans fruit
25 lbs flour / grains
3 months comfort foods

Week 35
8 cans tomatoes or sauce
30 lbs beans / legumes
1 gallon vinegar

Week 36
8 cans soup
25 lbs rolled oats
kleenex, bandaids, paper towels for six months

Week 37
8 cans meat
8 rolls toilet paper
bouillon cubes / powder for 3 months

Week 38
2 months laundry soap
fruit drink mix to make 30 quarts
3 months special dietary needs

Week 39
25 lbs grains / flour
8 cans fruit
batteries of all sizes

Week 40
8 cans soup
30 lbs beans / legumes
bandages and allergy medications, n95 masks

Week 41
25 lbs pasta
8 rolls toilet paper
cold and flu meds

Week 42
8 cans vegetables4
25 lbs sugar or honey
extra toothbrushes, paste, floss, for 1 year

Week 43
30 lbs rice
3 months dish soap
6 months cleaning supplies

Week 44
25 lbs flour / grains
8 cans meat
Miscellaneous toiletries for 6 months

Week 45
20 lbs pasta
8 rolls toilet paper
3 months comfort foods

Week 46
8 cans soup
10 lbs powdered milk
1 gallon vinegar

Week 47
8 rolls toilet paper
2 gallons oil
3 months seasonings
Week 48
20 lbs pasta
8 cans fruit
2 gallons bleach or bleach wipes

Week 49
6 months vitamins
fruit drink mix for 30 quarts
5 jars peanut butter

Week 50
25 lbs grains / flour
8 rolls toilet paper
8 cans tomatoes or sauce

Week 51
8 cans vegetables
8 cans soup
extra toiletries & sanitation supplies for 6 months

Week 52
25 lbs rolled oats
1 lb each baking powder, soda, yeast
5 jars peanut butter

Personal Preparedness Portfolio

Hey everyone, I have finally finished what I am calling


 You can see what it is all about by following the link.  

It is a workbook portfolio that has literally hundreds and hundreds of hours invested into making it everything that you need to help you on your journey to becoming more self reliant in three main areas:

Emergency Preparedness
Short Term Self Reliance
Long Term Self Reliance

I am charging a small fee for the purchase of this mini course.  I really am hoping to see thousands of people become more prepared through the use of this information!  My goal is to help as many as possible, wherever in the world they are.

There are other home preparedness courses out there that cost hundreds of dollars, and I am selling this for only $25 as a download, or $50 flat rate for a mailed hard copy, only in Canada or the United States.  Anywhere else in the world will need to order the downloaded version.

Please share this with anyone that you know, who could use this information.  It will save them a lot of time and frustration trying to get themselves prepared and organized, if they will just order this guide.

Thanks for your support!!!


Friday, July 12, 2013

June 2013 what's been happening in the world?

Here are some things to think about.  Any one of these events is bad enough, and these kinds of things have been happening forever, but all of these, plus more, at the same time?  This is only a sampling of what is happening all over the world.  I didn't add in the mass animal deaths, or much of the political unrest or the wars, or even all of the disasters, because there just is not enough of me to go and figure it all out.  This post would be really, really long.  But I did gather a few of the events that have happened just in June - last month.

Keep in mind the ripple effects that all of these events are going to have.  Disease, no power, famine, lost lives, destroyed crops, destroyed cities, skyrocket cost of living, and so much more.  The devastation is almost too great for my mind to even understand.  

All I can say, is are we prepared for what comes our way?  Because given the stats of what is happening everyday, somewhere, it is only a matter of time before we experience something?  I know we have had some flooding here where I live, but it is nothing compared to what it could have been.  We were really blessed here in Medicine Hat.  Not so for our neighbors, just up the river, and even down from us.  They all got hit pretty hard.

Okay so now onto some of the things that have been happening for the month of June. 

Oklahoma had the two largest tornadoes on history both EF5 and the largest one was 2.5 miles wide at the base and was 300 miles / hour

2nd rain and major blooding across entire Europe, torrential rain and many landslides
2nd 6.3 earthquake in Taiwan – felt in Hong Kong 7000 km away
3rd Austria has river of snow
6th China – strong winds and rains causing massive flooding
8th Still massive flooding in Europe – highest levels in 400 years – Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and many others
8th America extreme flooding and rain on East coastline
9th 5.7 mag earthquake in Australia
9th France – rare tornado waterspout
10 tornadoes spotted on the sun
12th across the mid west and eastern seaboard 300 storm reports, wall of wind, flash flooding, tornadoes, hail – a line of strong thunder storms – over 10,000 lightening strikes in one hour
17th torrential rains and flooding sweeping away buildings in India
17th 5.8 quake in Mexico City
18th France and Spain savage storms and flooding, tornadoes, flash flooding – this years harvest in many vineyards ruined due to hail
20th India flooding continues – at least 1000 dead – landslides have washed away roads and buildings
20th heavy rain in Switzerland and France – strong winds and flash flooding
20th Western U.S – dozens of wildfires burning – extreme drought
20th Massive protests – civil unrest against government – millions of people
20th Alberta flooding – states of emergencies in dozens of cities and towns – 6 months worth of rain in less than 2 days
20th New Zealand – worst storms in years with 200 km / hr winds
22nd Colorado exploding wildfires everywhere
26th Australia rainfall tripled the average June rainfall in less than 3 days – massive flooding
26th Supreme Court Ruling in America for gay rights – struck down the law that says marriage is between a man and a woman – all for equal rights
30th Florida Court House monument built - an Atheist monument
30th 20 plus million in civil unrest in Egypt – government protests
30th Death Valley in California reaches 50 degrees Celsius or 125 degrees Fahrenheit
30th torrential hailstorms and rain cause more massive flooding in China – one hailstorm lasted for 10 minutes
30th more record breaking rain in Australia

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Food Storage?

Here is an excerpt from the self reliance manual that I have been working on.  It just gives us one more reality check as to why we really should have food storage.  It also gives a reality check into one more reason why we should all be striving really hard and fast to become more self reliant.  This self reliance manual, which I am calling the Personal Preparedness Portfolio, should be available by next week sometime.  It is in the 1st draft editing phase right now.   

Why Food Storage?
It's time that we open our eyes a little to the infrastructure of our food distribution system. We have thousands of growers and suppliers, that work together with thousands of distributors, and send food to literally millions of retailers, who in turn sell the food to billions of consumers. Now this system seems to work quite smoothly, but what if one day, some small part of it crashed? Do you think it would affect you, as one of the billions of consumers? Let's take a look at just what could happen.

We have all heard that any one grocery store has at the most a one week supply of stock on hand. Most wouldn't last three days before they run out of food, if for some reason the truck wasn't bringing them their supplies.  I actually know people who believe that they will always be able to go to the store to get what they want. They don't think they should have to grow a garden because they can buy everything. They don't think that the weather has a factor in what they can buy at the store. 

Let's back up a bit to where the food is actually produced. Most of our food starts by being grown at some farmer's field. The farmers who grow the wheat, corn, vegetables, and all of the many other thousands of things, are greatly impacted by the weather. Drought, flooding, bug infestations, crop disease, freezing weather, and even the price of purchasing the seed, or watering the crops can all have a very serious impact on whether or not the farmers are able to produce enough food to keep the infrastructure up and functioning at maximum capacity.  We are always hearing in the news of how millions of acres are being wiped out due to flooding, fire, or drought.  We hear of devastating hard frosts that kill millions of fruit crops or vegetable crops, in places where they have never had frost before.  We hear of food shortages all over the world, where countries have stopped exporting foods like rice and some grains, because they are keeping it all to feed their own people.  We hear of hundreds and thousands of farmers who can't even get their crops planted because of bad weather, and it creates a growing season that will be too short to plant and harvest.  We hear of farmers who have just walked away from their harvest for the year, whether it is fruit, vegetables, or grain because it is too expensive to use pest control, therefore the crop rots in the field.  Farmers far and wide having their entire crops destroyed by hail. And, farmers who simply can not afford the price of the seed, pesticides, fertilizer, and fuel to plant and harvest their crops, so they fold.

Could the farmer's at the bottom of the ladder, bring down the food distribution system? Absolutely! We are on the brink of some very serious problems! 

The reality of our food distribution system, is that we rely 100% on farmer's for pretty much everything we consume, and if for any reason the common farmer isn't able to produce what we need them to produce, it could have a very real impact on our system. Whether in shortages or extreme high prices, or more likely both, it would affect us just the same.

Let's look at a few other factors that come into play.

Here is one of many headlines that show how easily and quickly our food distribution can be interrupted. This one is from the HuffPost very shortly after Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy Disrupts Food Distribution, 'Thousands Of Trucks' In Limbo From the Huff Post

Thousands of truckloads of food that were headed for stores in the Northeast are stuck on roadsides and in warehouses following the crippling blow Hurricane Sandy dealt to the nation's food distribution system.
Though the system is struggling in the face of uncertainty, no one who spoke to HuffPost on Tuesday was concerned about short-term food shortages or a storm-related increase in prices across the region. Still, the hurricane demonstrates just how complex and vulnerable the networks are that deliver America's food supply.

I had mentioned earlier that if the trucks stopped bringing food to the stores, most stores would be completely out of food within one week or less. Could this really happen? What might stop the trucks from traveling down the road? 

Trucks depend on the road infrastructure, rail cars, airports, shipping ports, technology, refrigeration, warehousing, and many other things. One example: what would happen if the price of fuel were to double or triple? This would double or triple the price of the transportation costs, just for the trucks to roll down the road. You can count on the fact that this would also double or triple the end price of the goods that we purchase in the store. 

Another thing that high fuel prices could cause, is a trucker's strike. Have you ever experienced one of these? When the trucks go on strike, and they refuse to move any produce, it has a pretty huge ripple effect. Produce that usually needs refrigeration, and has a short deadline to get to where it needs to be, often sits and goes rotten. There is large amounts of waste, which of course will increase prices. Also, remember that I mention that if stores don't have their regular supplies, they will be forced to close their doors within one week. I have witnessed this personally due to a truckers strike, and within 48 hours of the announcement of the strike, all of the major grocery stores, and most of the little stores, had their shelves completely emptied and closed their doors until further notice. People panicked and bought anything and everything that might keep them going until the strike was over.

So in short, if there were a disruption in the distribution of goods, food would not get from the producer to the factories, and then from factories to stores. Items would rot, and without a doubt, in the end we the consumers, pay the higher price that would come.

The honey bee, is another factor that could have a great impact on our food system. Most of us think of these bees as a nuisance, and they are, but they are vital to our food infrastructure and they are threatened right now with becoming extinct. Bee population is dropping at a drastic rate, and it is because of a disease called Colony Collapse Disorder. This has caused the population to decrease by 2/3 of what it was 50 years ago. It is a disease that causes a colony or beehive, to suddenly collapse into chaos, and eventually they all die. After much study from scientists, they have determined that the more likely causes for this are things like mite infestations, and viruses, such as Colony Collapse Disorder . I have heard that GMO crops, or cell phones are the cause, but scientists have eliminated both of these concerns. The viruses that they have discovered that are traveling through the bee population, cause the bees to become paralyzed, or born with defects, which in turn causes their death.

So reality to us as the end consumers, bee's don't just produce honey, they are a huge part of the pollination process that takes place in the farmer's field, and in the orchards that produce our fruit. If the bees die, our crops don't produce, and we, the end consumer, don't have the produce in the stores that we are used to. The bee's are a very important part of our ecosystem, and any time we lose a species in the ecosystem, there are bound to be large ripple effects. So next time you hear about the bee population becoming close to extinction, pay a little closer attention and see what you can learn and do about it.

What about war, oil, climate change, and politics, do you think they have an impact on our food distribution system? The systems that produce the world's supply of food are very dependent on fossil fuels. Gas and oil are used in every aspect of food production, from the growing of the raw materials, transportation, processing, packaging, and delivering the end product. From the farmer's equipment, to plant and fertilize the crops, to the trains, boats, and trucks that ship it to the end consumer and everything in between, our society is so dependent on fossil fuels. This system is also the largest producer of greenhouse gases that are destroying our environment and creating such extreme weather patterns. It is kind of a crazy conundrum. We are creating the extreme weather that is causing destruction to our crops, by using fossil fuels to process the crops and bring them to us the end consumer. It is not one of those win win situations. It seems that we are caught in a viscous cycle that we had better start thinking of ways to get out of.
War will always have drastic ripple effects, which often are things like famine, disease, poverty, and economic challenges. Without a doubt the transportation and food distribution would be affected.  Nobody wins in a war.  We may "wahoo" that the good guys are winning a war, but really are they?  What about the devastation left behind?  If war were to come to our continent, we would not be spared the after effects of it, just like every other nation that goes through it.  And I believe it is only a matter of time until we shall see much of these challenges right here in our own free land.  We just can not continue the way we are going and not expect to see some of the unrest that is so evident in pretty much the rest of the world. 

The miracle of the food distribution system that feeds us all, is very fragile.  It wouldn't take  very much to have some pretty serious ripple effects.  And it is already taking more than it should.  It is wobbling right now, on the verge of toppling over!  

What are you doing about it?  I know that it is easy to fall into that comfortable chair in front of our television sets and forget about real world stuff.  I get that!  But let's not do that people!  Don't become idle and forget what we should be doing.  Keep focused on our priorities, which may be different for me than you.  But focus none the less.  We really don't have time to waste on things that won't bring about our temporal or spiritual well being.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Disaster Facts

Just thought I would share a few disaster stats with you today.  Tomorrow I will start posting some ideas for preparedness.  Perhaps a few that might get you thinking outside the box - a little extreme perhaps, and then of course the ones that should be just normal common sense to most of us, but that others perhaps don't even consider.  For now....

Here are a few disaster facts from :
  • Between 2000 – 2012, natural disasters caused $1.7 trillion in damage and affected 2.9 billion people.
  • Worldwide in 2011, there were 154 floods, 16 droughts, and 15 cases of extreme temperature
  • 2012 marked the third consecutive year of worldwide natural disaster damage exceeding $100 billion. 2011 reached a record high of $371 billion
  • 1.1 million people have been killed by natural disasters between 2000 and 2012
  • Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. 90 percent of all US natural disasters involve some sort of flooding
  • In 2012 there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide including severe storms, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, hail storms, typhoons, wildfires, and hurricanes
  • Nearly 50 percent of the fatalities caused by natural disasters in 2012 were due to hydrological events like flooding or mass movements

  • US has sustained 123 weather related disasters alone during 1980 – 2012 with overall costs exceeding $1 billion – 12 of these occurring in 2011 and 11 occurring in 2012

  • Floods are the number one deadly disaster in the US accounting for over 46 percent of disaster related deaths
  • Up to 10,000 people die per years as a result of an earthquake
A disaster can devastate a community and the after affects can lead to drought, famine and disease. The understanding the facts about disasters can help to make sense of what is occurring.

  • each year around 250,000 people die from Natural Disasters. Once a Natural Disaster is in full swing there is no stopping it. is another great website that has done research on natural disasters and man made disasters and the facts about them. Here are a few facts about the man made disasters:
“There are countless types of man-made disasters happening daily, including industrial accidents, chemical leaks, oil spills and accidental and deliberately set fires. All of these disasters affect the health and safety of workers, health care and safety personnel, and the general public and can cost millions of dollars.”
  • Nationwide (US) there is a home fire death every 170 minutes
  • Fires kill more Americans than all natural disasters combined.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

2013 January

Here goes with January disasters and happenings around the world.  This is not a complete list, but it is what I have found thus far.

Here is one of the links that I got some of this info from  Mass Animal Deaths there are quite a few links that show this kind of info.  Kind of crazy how many are happening in the world right now.  I am working on compiling lists for each month just for 2013, of all the natural disasters that are happening.  This doesn't include the political unrest and war in most of the world, and the financial disasters happening in many parts of the world too.  Nor does it even begin to count the many smaller events that happen locally to each of us.  These are numerous.  I have had people tell me time and time again that it is just because we have media now that we know of all of these things.  And to some extent I agree that media makes these events available to us more than ever before.  However, never has there been as much unrest in the whole entire world as there is now.  The whole world is truly in "commotion". 

Disasters of all kinds January 2013

January 1st – 150,000 lbs of fish found dead in China
2nd – thousands of fish freeze to death in China
3rd – hundreds of buffaloes, cows and goats dei from mysterious disease in Pakistan
3rd – mass fish kill in Thailand
4th – Heatwave begins in Australia temperatures in the high 40's
4th – Several thousand dead fish in Oklahoma along lake
4th – massive fish kill along beaches in New Zealand
4th – hundreds of ducks suddenly die in Bali
4th – 30 turtles washed ashore dead in India
4th – mass fish killed in Florida
4th – mass fish kill along beach in Kenya
4th – thousands of dead sardines on shore in Florida
5th – Earthquake in Alaska 7.5 mag
6th – thousands of livestock killed by disease in kenya
7th – 50 baby sharks found dead along beach in Fiji
8th - record breaking heat in Australia – temps up to 54 degrees in some places
9th – 284,000 birds killed in Mexico because of Avian flu
9th – Rare snowstorm in Israel, with severe weather and up to 30 cm of snow in places that have never had snow
9th – thousands of sheep and cattle killed by wild fires in Australia
9th – 25,500 ducks and chickens dead in Indonesia
9th – 770 geese, large number of ducks and fish killed by sewage in China
9th – 70 red deer deaths in belarus - unexplainable
10th – Western Australia, huge dust storm and cyclone coming
10th – dozens of pig die from rare disease in Dominican Repulic
10th – tonnes of fish dead on beach in Indonesia
10th – 180,000 cattle dead due to cold weather in northern China
11th – Southern California – heavy snowfall and winter storm, freezing of many citrus crops
11th - thousands of dead birds washing up on Michigan's shoreline
11th – hundreds of thousands of dead fish on Masonboro Island in America
12th - extreme hot and cold temperatures across America
12th – Australia still has extreme heat and over 100 fires burning out of control
15 – California coast is rising – biggest arctic ice melt in history
15 – Indiana is flooding
15th thousands of dead fish washed up in South Carolina
15th – 30 plus birds found dead in Louisiana
16th – thousands of fish washed ashore in Masonboro and Rawleys Islands
16th – 2200 chickens killed due to Avian flu in Nepal
16th - 2000 fish found dead on shore in Nebraska
17th - Indonesia – massive flooding
17th – Fires continue to burn out of control in Australia
17th – 40,000 fish washed ashore 2nd time in one week in South Carolina
17th – thousands of dead fish near Jatiluhur Dam in Indonesia
17th – countless number of fish found dead on shore in Florida
18th – more record breaking heat in Australia
18th – millions of dead fish in Okinawa Japan
18th – 9000 fish killed due to a viral outbreak in Scotland
18th – 100 Bats found dead in parklands in Australia
18th – 12 dolphins, 35 sea lions, 13 pelicans was ashore dead in Peru
18th – thousands of dead fish on Sarasota beach in Florida
18th - thousands of ducks die suddenly from bird flu in Indonesia
19th – Paris, Poland, Croatia, 11 major cities – record breaking snowstorms
21st – many tonnes of salmon killed due to new disease in Scotland
21st – Cyclone in Australia
21st – Freezing temperatures in London and Holland and Germany, freezing rain in Moscow
22nd – Arctic blast hits America – 50 below – ice and snow in many states
23rd – Cyclone in Australia creates massive flooding
23rd - 4000 lbs of dead fish found in ponds in China
23rd – 280 sea turtles plus lots of fish dead along shores in Costa Rica
24th – tonnes of freshwater fish dead due to lakes drying up in Australia
24th – thousands of dead starfish wash ashore in Lincolnshire England
25th – millions of oysters wiped out by a virus in Australia
25th – 15 donkeys die of mysterious disease in Chad
25th – 40,000 fish suddenly die in China
25th – massive snow storms across America – east coast under ice with drastic drop in temperatures
26th – Australia still in a state of disaster with flooding
26th – Africa – torrential rains – massive flooding along river in China
27th – thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in Cambodia
27th – fish and other sea creatures found dead in Malaysia
27th – 70 horses dead from a sickness in South Africa
27th – fish kill found along river in Philippines
28th – still flooding in Australia – massive amounts of foam coming in from the ocean
29th – masses of dead fish found in park ponds in Australia
29th – dozens of dead seals found on beach in Prince Edward Island
29th – 420,000 ducks have died from avian flu in Indonesia
29th – 13 elephants found dead in a forest in Malaysia
30th – large number of dead fish wash up in Queensland, Australia
30th – fish kill caused by algae bloom in Texas
30th - 9272 cattle died in Zimbabwe in one month
30th – sinkhole in China swallows buildings
30th – 6.7 earthquake in Chile
30th – tornadoes in Georgia
31st – hundreds of birds washing up along coast in England
31st – hundreds of fish dead in river in Australia
31st – thousands of fish killed by pollution in China

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hello again, I am back and in the full swing of it all!

I have been soooo busy and I must tell you I love the fact that even though I haven't posted anything for quite some time, I still have the traffic through my website, which tells me that people are still wanting and looking for preparedness information. 

Thus I have a renewed commitment to give you all of the up to date information that I can come across. 

Life has taken a few new curves for me.   I am working on my Master Herbalist certificate right now, so that keeps me busy.  I am learning so much that you will probably hear some of that as it all relates to preparedness.  I have also started my own business in helping others get prepared.  It has been a long time coming for both of these.

My business is still in it's infancy and developmental process, especially on the web, but it can be found here:  Real Self Reliance .  I just feel the need to help others at an alarming rate today, and I will talk more of that in some of my upcoming blogs about the world news and things that we should all be aware of.

I have been really busy working on a few different ebooks, and as I get them online I will get back to you as to where you can find them.  I love writing, teaching, and doing seminars and workshops.  I love the satisfaction of watching other people learn.  You will find alot of these kinds of videos and things online very soon at both of my other blog pages, as well as I will post the links to them here.

Well there you have it, I am back and ready to take on the world of preparedness.  It is something that is vital and vastly needed, even though there are those who don't yet see it.  I hope to open their eyes to it all!  No I won't be a Glenn Beck, whom I love by the way..........but I am a far cry from opening eyes at his level.  But I will do my best. 

Check back often for the new updates.